Previous Lecture Lecture 15

Lecture 15, Thu 03/15

Final Review

# CS 8, 3-15-18

''' CS 8 Final Exam Review
- Final Exam: Tuesday 3/20, 4pm - 7pm, BUCHN 1920
- Exam will be longer than the midterm (~ twice as long, ~ 2 hours)
- Exam is cumulative (covers everything from print statements
to complex data structures)
- Logistics
    - Bring writing utensil (dark led or pen)
    - Bring your student ID
    - No electronic devices
    - Closed and closed notes
- Structure of final is similar to the midterms. Types of questions:
    - Evaluate expressions
    - Evaluate types
    - Given code, what is the output
    - Short answer / definitions
    - Read / write assert statements
    - Complete function definitions / write python statements
    - Fill-in-the-blank
        - complete function definition key terms
        - pass in specific paramaters
        - etc.
    - General Advice
        - Read instructions carefully - pay close attention to
        what is being asked
        - Double-check your work

Advice on how to prepare
    - Lecture notes (important to know topics, examples,
        - Type out the code and understand the output
    - Understanding labs and being able to implement them
    - Reading the textbook for additional details and
        - Do the examples to solidify understanding
    - Homework exercises
    - Prototyping - "I wonder how python behaves when ..."
        - write a simple example
        - Helps with code practice as well as understanding the
        language and edge cases

Overview of topics covered after midterm 2

File I/O
    - Read file (infile = open('example.txt', 'r'))
        - infile.readlines()
        - infile.readline()
        - for a_line in infile
    - Write file (outfile = open('example.txt', 'w'))
    - Append file (outfile = open('example.txt', 'a'))

    - key / value pairs
    - Creating a dictionary
    - Adding to a dictionary
    - dictionary methods
        - .pop(key)
        - .update(D2)
        - .get(key)
        - .keys()
        - .values()
        - .items()

    - Collection of items with no duplicates
    - Creating an empty set or a set from a list
    - Set operators
        - in, not in, combine(|), intersection(&), difference(-),
    - Set comparisons
        - ==, !=, proper subset (<), subset (<=)
    - Set methods
        - .add, .remove (what happens if item doesn't exist?),
        .discard, .clear

Embedded structures
    - Dictionary map to dictionary, or dictionary map to set,
    or list of dictionaries, etc.

    - Properties of recursion
        - base case
        - recursive calls getting "closer" to base case
    - Examples in class and lab
        - print
        - reconstruct lists and strings (reverse a string or list)
        - computing values (factorial, fibonacci, ...)
        - etc.

Topics covered before midterm 2 (refer to previous lecture notes)
- Python data types
- Arithmetic
- Python built-in functions
- Comparison operators
- Boolean operators
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- User-defined functions
- Namedtuples
- Testing (assert / pytest)
- For loops
- Nested control structures
- Accumulator Patterns
- Nested (double) for loops
- While loops
    - Break, continue, pass
- 2D Lists
- String functions and formatting
- Random